Wake up loving the face in the mirror -- You! Smoother, more supple skin with fewer lines. Hair that’s only tossed, not a tangled mess. Isn’t that a happier start to your day?
It’s so easy you’ll be delighted.
The Younger Looking You
People are amazed at the difference sleeping on bamboo pillow cases from Island Slumber has made in their appearance and in how they feel about themselves. It’s a sure way to boost your confidence when you feel and look healthier, more vibrant, and walk with a little bounce in your step. A solid investment when you consider all the benefits of Bamboo Pillow Cases from Island Slumber.
How can bamboo pillow cases make me look better?
For starters, bamboo has natural antimicrobial properties that keep your skin and hair free from unhealthy microbes. Bamboo is also naturally moisture-absorbent, which means your skin stays fresh and dry, even if you perspire during the night. It also helps your hair to be tangle-free because there is less friction on your pillowcase. Less friction means less follicle breakage for your hair and your eyelashes.
Bamboo is a an organically breathable fabric, so air flows through the fabric to keep your face and head cool, dry, and comfortable when you sleep. Staying cool when you sleep helps you sleep deeper, longer, and more restfully. Bamboo pillow cases are so surprisingly soft, you will look forward to caressing your pillow each night as you sleep.
Easy to Love. Easy to Care For.
Bamboo fabric, unlike silk or cotton, will not snag or unravel with a scratch from a jagged fingernail. Washing is easy and no shrinkage to speak of.
There really isn’t another fabric that has such authentic, natural benefits as bamboo. And Island Slumber pillowcases are 100 percent bamboo, not woven with synthetic fibers of any kind.
Beautiful color selections make Island Slumber bamboo pillowcases easy to love and you can buy the complete sheet and pillow case sets to really do it up right. Island Slumber Bamboo pillow cases and bedding will help you:
- Look younger
- Eliminate drying skin
- Reduce fine facial lines
- Have healthier looking hair
We are so confident that you’ll cherish your Island Slumber pillow cases, you can get a complete refund if your unhappy with them. And remember, you’re living green when you buy our products. Our Plant a Tree Program assures you that with each purchase, a new tree will be planted somewhere in the U.S. by American Forests, our respected conservationist partner.
Get Groovy Deals is your place for quality bamboo products and extreme savings. Get to know us better and start saving BIG today!